Sunday, May 18, 2014


We have heard the song over and over the last few months to "Let it Go"  Move on and see what happens.  Start over.  The past few months I have been feeling the need to do just that to Let it go.  To cut ties with my past and breathe new life into me and renew, recharge and re-invent who I am.  I can't go back yet I can move forward. 

If you look on Amazon for books on simplifying your life you will be amazed at how many pages their are on just this subject.  It is almost mind boggling how many authors there can before this one subject alone.  In today's sermon we heard about simplifying our lives.  This so hit home to me as I am constantly on the go and often find I don't have enough time for me and maybe my priorities are a bit out of sync. Being a Mom to three adult children two of which don't live with me anymore and the other one is a full time college student and also works part time life is often filled with quick moments and I do treasure those. Yet on a personal level I also feel like in simplifying my life I also need to purge the past clean out the clutter not only in my home and storage unit (which is filled with the past). But also to purge my heart and make God more of a priority in my life.  Believe me he has full control of me now but there is always something that we as Christians hang on to and never fully let God take that.  We need to be more willing to simplify our lives and to let go and let God fill us with his purpose. 

  So first things first, begin with my spiritual purge and then to my physical purge and make room for the new things God wants to show me and to bring newness to my home!!! It is never easy but it is so worth it. I encourage you to do the same. 


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